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Robert George: “hypocritical talk about freedom of speech”

26 September 2017



In reference to Colin Kaepernick and the national anthem protests that have been getting so much attention in the United States:

“Isn’t the solution obvious? Run the rainbow flag (the one Trump famously waved) up the flagpole instead of Old Glory. Blare out ‘We Are Fam-i-ly.’ Any player who took a knee would immediately be fired by terrified team owners (and perhaps drawn and quartered for good measure) with the enthusiastic approval of the media and the entire Establishment. The rest of the players could then get back to football. (Extra advantage: We’d be spared a lot of hypocritical talk about freedom of speech, the sacred right to protest, etc., etc. from people who actually don’t believe in those things.)”

Robert George    Robert George

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