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The birth of the Church of Jesus Christ.

12 June 2011

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.” So begins the story of the birth of the Church of Jesus Christ. The gathering of the disciples to wait for the gift of the Spirit whom Jesus had promised to send, presents us with a picture of eager anticipation. John tells us that until now the Spirit had not yet come because Jesus had not been glorified. Now that Jesus was glorified and seated at the right hand of the Father, the disciples had every reason to expect that the promise of Jesus would be fulfilled. But how? And what would that mean?

Luke tells us that “suddenly” the sound of a violent blowing wind and tongues of fire announced the presence of the Holy Spirit of God which “filled” the disciples. Imagine being filled with the Holy Spirit of God! Yet we do not have to imagine it. We are,  each baptized follower of Christ, filled with the Spirit of the living God. In the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, the gift of the Spirit is bestowed and released in us for the glory of God and the good of the church of Jesus Christ. When the Spirit was bestowed, the disciples were freed from any fear they had and literally were compelled to do what God had called them to do. This is a reality that Christians should cherish and desire for themselves, that the Spirit of God be living and active in their lives and be the moving force in all they do. Be grateful to God for that same outpouring in your life and cherish the gift.

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