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If not for his mother’s will, we would never hear Andrea Bocelli’s voice.

16 October 2010

 According to there are around 42 million abortions worldwide every year; 115,000 each day. 1.37 million in the US alone (1996) or roughly 37,000 per day. Based on these statistics, in the US alone an average of 1 baby is lost every 2.5 seconds. 37.4% of those women having abortion identify themselves as Protestants, 31.3% as Catholics. And the most troubling fact of all is the main reason given by women as to why they are having their baby aborted. 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient). 


“… but the young, brave wife decided not to abort, and the child was born…that woman was my mother and I was the child …”    – Andrea Bocelli



God will honor those who honor Him and those He loves. Andrea is a testimony to the love of a mother and the sacredness of life.

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